Elegant Ladies at the Soda Fountain. Coca-Cola Ad 1907
Elegant Ladies at the Soda Fountain.
From the Realm of Fancy to Reality. Drink Coca-Cola. The Satisfying Beverage. Good Housekeeping Magazine, May 1905.
Relieves the fatigue that comes from-over-play, over-work, and over-thinking.
Delicious! Refreshing! Thirst-Quenching! 5¢ Sold Everywhere
High-resolution file from original, digitally restored. Max-Quality jpg (4500x3000px, 10.57 MB). Ad’s text available in metadata.
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This work, published in the United States from 1929 to 1963 fell into the Public Domain because the copyright was not renewed with the Copyright Office during the 28th year after publication.
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