The 1920s “Roaring Twenties” Archive

Here you can find a collection of ads, illustrations, and photographs published in the 1920s.
Also known as the “Roaring Twenties,” it was a period of economic prosperity with a distinctive cultural edge in the United States and Europe. Jazz blossomed, the flapper redefined the modern look for British and American women, and Art Deco peaked. Source: Wikipedia.

Hi-res and high-quality digital files professionally restored. Ready for use up to large-sized print.

Browse all “1920s” Stories

Flirting, Engagement, Weddings & Divorce in 1920s High Society. By Fish

Flirting, Engagement, Weddings & Divorce in 1920s High Society. By Fish

A first compilation of pages from Vanity Fair and the book “High Society” on Flirting, Engagement, Weddings & Divorce, illustrated by Anne Fish.
Any double-page plate focuses on a specific topic providing a unique, rich lens into American and international high society’s lifestyles of the 1910s and 1920s. Rigorously in black and white, these inimitable sketches are completed with entertaining captions.

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Abdulla Cigarettes 1921. Mélisande at Montecarlo, by Anne Fish

Abdulla Cigarettes 1921. Mélisande at Montecarlo, by Anne Fish

The full 1921 Abdulla ad campaign in the French magazine “La Vie Parisienne.” The star is Mélisande, a wealthy, young, elegant, and beautiful Parisian who goes to Monte Carlo to try her luck at the casino. Here she meets an elegant Englishman who woos her and with whom she gets engaged and finally marries three days before New Year’s Eve; her life unfolds between suitors, losses, and wins at the table and a lifestyle of unbridled luxury.

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