The Picnic, a Gluyas Williams cartoon from “Ourselves as Others See Us”. 1928
The Picnic, cartoon by Gluyas Williams from the “Ourselves as Others See Us” series. Cosmopolitan, August 1928. Pages 96-97
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This work was published in the United States before 1930 and is in the public domain due to copyright expiration.
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Gluyas Williams was an American Cartoonist whose work ran in over 70 newspapers, not counting many memorable cartoons for Ads or books. The most notable work was for Cosmopolitan, Life, and The New Yorker, with subjects where many people gather, reaching their peak in the complex double pages.
His style combined tiny, pure lines with solid, flat blacks without any shadow or wrinkle.
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His style combined tiny, pure lines with solid, flat blacks without any shadow or wrinkle.