The Italian naval victory in the Mediterranean. WWII 1941. Art Achille Beltrame
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Achille Beltrame art for La Domenica del Corriere. October 5, 1941.
H-res digital file from the original print. Max Quality Jpg 5000x7000px.
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Copyright Notice
This work is out of copyright in the United States as the copyright was never registered.
This work is out of copyright, for expired terms in the EU, Italy included, as the magazine was published before 1952.
The author's copyright is also expired as Achille Beltrame, the author, died in 1945. and, in the EU, it lasts 70 years after the author's death.
Please notice that any advice or comment provided here is not and does not purport to be legal advice as defined by s.12 of the Legal Services Act 2007.
Il copyright di questa pagina della “Domenica del Corriere” è scaduto perchè sono passati più di 70 anni dalla pubblicazione.
Il copyright dell’autore invece è scaduto nel 2016 in quanto Achille Beltrame è deceduto nel 1945 e nell' Unione Europea la protezione del diritto d'autore dura 70 anni.
Queste informazioni sono un servizio aggiuntivo che noi offriamo ma non costituiscono parere legale.
About Achille Beltrame
Achille Beltrame was a painter and illustrator. His color plates for “La Domenica del Corriere,” the most popular Italian periodical, became the magazine’s hallmark. They cover the whole history of Italian customs and society of the first half of the 20th century, masterfully summarizing news, sports, and war.
Beltrame made them alive and current in the eyes of a population not yet completely out of illiteracy. He never moved from Milan, where he designed all his tables. Nevertheless, he managed to represent places, facts, people, and things he had never seen in person, thanks to his innate imagination and curiosity, combined with a rigorous sense of realism. The graphic composition of his works is still a reference.
From 1899 to 1945, he drew for the magazine 4662 front and back covers.