Abdulla Cigarettes 1921. Mélisande at Montecarlo, by Anne Fish

Jan 7, 2021 | 1920, 1920s, Abdulla, Advertisement, Anne Fish, Illustration

A splendid detail of Abdulla Cigarettes Ad - Melisande at Montecarlo. No. 12. LA NOUVEL AN / NEW YEAR. La Vie Parisienne. December 17, 1921.

A splendid detail of the Ad N.12 

The outstanding advertising campaigns for Abdulla Cigarettes

Abdulla & Company Ltd, founded in London, England, in 1902, was most famous for its cigarette brand, produced in various blends (Egyptian, Virginian, and Turkish).  Philip Morris, Int. currently owns the brand.

The Abdulla cigarette advertising campaigns of the 1920s and 1930s were among the most advanced of the time. They were designed and drawn in different series according to the magazines and the countries. They became famous for their humor and quality of illustration. The copy was always paradoxical but very well written.

Anne Harriet Fish illustrated at least eleven of these series, from 1919 to 1932, published in the French magazine “La Vie Parisienne” and the British magazine “Punch. Her carefree thin stroke, elegant style, and humorous wit are, in our opinion, of the utmost value.

Each illustration below is accompanied by an approximate English translation of the original ad copy, with the exception of the first ad which originally ran in English.”

 Most images are available for purchase in high-resolution.
The files are professionally restored. and ready for use up to large-sized prints.
Tick the button to reach Abdulla’s product page, or use the links in the description to buy that specific subject.

Abdulla Cigarettes Ad - Melisande at Montecarlo. No. 1. FAREWELL PARIS. La Vie Parisienne, February 19, 1921. Artwork by Anne Harriet Fish.

February 19, 1921.

Melisande has perfected her “system” for winning each masculine heart at first sight. Is she not the most chic and elegant young widow in all Paris?
Scorning such easy successes she decides to try her luck at the tables, and her departure for Monte Carlo draws a crowd of disconsolate admirers.

Henri presents her with flowers – they will be left in the train to wither! Georges brings her chocolates — to be eaten by her maid! But tactful Eduard delights Melisande with a box of exquisite Abdulla Cigarettes, knowing that she will gratefully remember the giver with every whiff of Abdulla’s enchanting Fragrance.


Original ad’s text in English.

Abdulla Cigarettes Ad - Melisande at Montecarlo. No. 6. AU BALCON / AT THE BALCONY. La Vie Parisienne. July 2, 1921. Artwork by Anne Harriet Fish.

March 3, 1921.

Mélisande lives in Paradise, that is to say, at the Hotel de Paris. She tastes Chinese tea,  candied chestnuts, and indulges in a spicy babbling with a charming viscountess.

Her friend’s son is a young man of the world, very chic, aged 18, who succumbs at first sight to a great passion, without hope, for Mélisande.

With the burning desire to impress the beloved, he showed off his cigarette case. Look at my wonderful discovery, Madame, he said, boasting. This Hotel provides the most delicious cigarettes, Les Abdulla – Taste one.

Delicious Mélisande refrained from telling the young viscount that her cigarette case was already full of exquisite “Abdulla Roselips,” and, smiling, accepted the cigarette. She inhaled the fascinating scent with genuine delight as each new cigarette is an enchanted surprise because of its infinite perfections.

Translated from the original French text.

No. 2. L'HOTEL DE PARIS - Lisez le texte original en français
Mélisande réside dans un Paradise, c’est-à-dire à l’Hôtel de Paris. Elle déguste du thé de Chine, grignote des marrons glacés, et s’abandonne à un piquant babillage avec une charmante vicomtesse.

Le fils de son amie est un jeune homme du monde, très chic, agé de 18 ans, qui succombe a première vue d’une grande passion, sans espoir, pour Mélisande. Avec le désir ardent d’impressionner l’adorée, il exhiba son porte-cigarettes. Regardez ma découverte merveilleuse, Madame dit-il en se vantant. Cet Hôtel fournit les cigarettes les plus délicieuses du monde Les Abdlulla — Goûtez-en une.

Délicieuse Mélisande, elle s’abstint de dire au jeune vicomte que déjà son porte-cigarettes était plein d’exquises Abdulla Roselips, et, souriante, accepta la cigarette offerte. Elle aspira le parfum fascinant avec un ravissement tout à fait réel, parce que chaque cigarette nouvelle est une surprise enchantée à cause de ses infinies perfections.


1921. Mélisande a Monte-Carlo. High Society Lifestyle saw by Anne Fish

This post showcases the full series of 1921 Abdulla advertising in the French magazine “La Vie Parisienne.”
The star is Mélisande, a wealthy, young, elegant, and beautiful Parisian who goes to Monte Carlo to try her luck at the casino. Here she stays at the Hotel de Paris, where she meets an elegant Englishman who woos her and with whom she gets engaged and finally marries three days before New Year’s Eve; her life unfolds between suitors, losses, and wins at the table and a lifestyle of unbridled luxury.

Interestingly, the advertisements typically showcased elegant, high-society people and lifestyle, even when the product was targeted to the middle-class, in an aspirational fashion.
The next posts will showcase more stories from 1922 to 1924, again illustrated by Anne Fish.

Abdulla Cigarettes Ad - Melisande at Montecarlo. N.3 AU CAFE DE PARIS. La Vie Parisienne. April 16, 1921. Artwork by Anne Harriet Fish.

April 16, 1921.

MELISANDE has the prettiest ankles in Monte-Carlo, and thank goodness, fashion forces her to display them! Between each exquisite service from the Café de Paris, she dances with an eye-catching grace.

But suddenly-oh! horror, in the middle of a shimmy Foxtrot, she dropped her cigarette case full of adorable ABDULLA CIGARETTES! What luck! it felt beside the table of a tall and distinguished Englishman dining alone each evening and worships him in respectful silence.

He got up to pick it up before she lost momentum, and handed it to her with a sparkling look, stammering a few French words.

MELISANDE thanked him with a radiant encouraging smile. Doesn’t he also smoke “ABDULLA?” And because of that, he is a charming man, educated and of good taste.

Translation from the original French text.


Translated from the original French text.

N.3 AU CAFE DE PARIS - Lisez le texte original en français

MELISANDE a les plus jolies chevilles de Monte-Carlo et remercions les cieux que la mode l’oblige à les exposer! Entre chaque service exquis du Café de Paris, elle danse avec une grâce qui attire les yeux.

Mais tout à coup-oh! horreur-au milieu d’un Shimmy Foxtrot elle laissa tomber son porte-cigarettes plein d’adorables CIGARETTES ABDULLA! Quelle chance! Il tomba a coté de la table d un grand et distingué Anglais qui dine seul chaque soir, et l’adore dans un silence respectueux.

II se leva pour le ramasser avant qu’elle perde la cadence, et lui remit avec un regard étincelant en bégayant quelques mots de Français. MELISANDE le remercia avec un radieux d encourageant sourire. Ne fume-t-il pas lui aussi des “ABDULLA?” Et a cause de celà, c’est un homme charmant, d’education et de bon goût.


Abdulla Cigarettes Ad - Melisande at Montecarlo. No. 4. AU CASINO. La Vie Parisienne. May 7, 1921. Artwork by Anne Harriet Fish.

May 7, 1921.

Until this evening “Luck” has always smiled on Mélisande.

She had barely spent an hour at the Casino when, stack after stack of large green tokens – each representing a hundred francs – had melted and disappeared like snow.
Mélisande feels in her heart the strange empty feeling that all unhappy players know, and feels hurt and disconcerted that the “God of Chance” has stopped favoring her. She plays it back — over and over again — and with a bitter little smile finds that her purse no longer contains a single token.

She leaves the tables somewhat undecided whether to hit the croupier or burst into tears and, in the presence of the charming flirt, the tall and handsome Englishman awaiting her to cheer and console her.
He knows so well that an exquisite “Abdulla Cigarette” smoked at the right time will cure the most fatal blow of Destiny and under the magical spell of Abdulla’s perfume, Mélisande quickly forgets her only hour of sadness.


Translated from the original French text.

No.4. AU CASINO - Lisez le texte original en français

Jusqu’à ce soir la “Chance” et la “Bonne Fortune” ont toujours souri à Mélisande.

A peine a-t-elle passé une heure au Casino que déjà pile après pile de gros jetons verts-chacun représentant cent francs-ont fondu et disparu comme de la neige. Mélisande éprouve au coeur l’étrange sensation vide que tous les joueurs malheureux connaissent, et se sent blessée et déconcertée que le ” Dieu du Hasard” cessa de la favoriser. Elle rejoue—encore et encore—et avec un petit sourire amer s’aperçoit que son sac-à-main ne contient plus un seul jeton.

Elle quitte les tables quelque peu indécise, si elle doit frapper le croupier ou fondre en larmes, et, se trouve en présence du charmant flirt le grand et bel Anglais l’attendant pour l’égayer et la consoler. Il sait si bien qu’une exquisite “Cigarette Abdulla” fumée au bon moment, guérira le coup le plus fatal de la Destinée et sous le charme magique du parfum d’Abdulla, Mélisande oublie bien vite sa seule heure de tristesse.


A Modern Coordinated Corporate Image in the Twenties.

Interestingly, the first three ads in the series were casually designed. Logo and fonts vary every time, and the first ad is even in English (the magazine was French). Probably, the London parent company must have groomed the agency in charge of the campaign. From the fourth announcement onwards, Logo, title, and body font have been chosen. It seems normal today, but in those days, it was a very advanced thing.

Each year, theme and characters varied, and any new series had a dedicated design. In the beginning, the series was annual, then two shorter stories per year were published.

Abdulla Cigarettes Ad - Melisande at Montecarlo. No. 4. AU CASINO. La Vie Parisienne. May 7, 1921. Artwork by Anne Harriet Fish.

June 11, 1921.

Mélisande loves change, and as she walks happily along the terraces with Edouard and Henri, her wicked little heart has no mercy for her adorer, the Englishman who sits alone in despair.

He thinks bitterly of his sad fate, not only because the two admirers of Mélisande escort the prettiest woman in France but also because they inhale the exquisite scent of ABDULLAS CORONETS.

He stupidly forgot to take his cigarette case, and black with jealousy, he cannot leave the terrace to seek consolation in an ABDULLA.

Mélisande’s heart, you would have been touched if she had known that he was without ABDULLA, but this was far from his thoughts. He remained gloomy while thinking of suicide, deprived of Mélisande and ABDULLA, the calming and inspiring Cigarette.


Translated from the original French text.

No. 5. SUR LES TERRASSES - Lisez le texte original en français

Mélisande aime le changement et comme elle se promène gaiement le long des terrasses avec Edouard et Henri son petit coeur méchant ne garde aucune pitié pour son adorateur l’Anglais qui est assis seul perdu de désespoir.

Il pense avec amertume à, son triste destin non seulement, parce que les deux admirateurs de Mélisande escortent la plus jolie femme de France mais aussi parce qu’ils aspirent l’exquise odeur des ABDULLAS CORONETS.

Il a stupidement oublie de prendre son porte-cigarettes et noir de jalousie il ne peut quitter la terrasse pour chercher la consolation dans une ABDULLA.

Le cœur de Mélisande tu aurait été touche si elle avait su qu’il était sans ABDULLA mais ceci était bien loin de sa pensée et il resta sombre en songeant au suicide, privé de Mélisande et d’ABDULLA la calmante et inspiratrice Cigarette.


Abdulla Cigarettes Ad - Melisande at Montecarlo. No. 6. AU BALCON / AT THE BALCONY. La Vie Parisienne. July 2, 1921. Artwork by Anne Harriet Fish.

July 2, 1921.

Mélisande quarreled with her English admirer. Who can say why? The charms of a woman by her whims and her coldness inflame the heart of a man much more.

All-day long, he begged forgiveness for the crimes he never committed, and now like an unhappy Romeo, he remains below the balcony of his beloved. Oh! happiness. What intuition could have told him that an unforgiven sinner was crying below? In response to the whispered words of penance and adoration, she smiles, and an immense weight lifts from her heart.

He pleads in an unhappy voice for a ribbon, a flower, some precious memories of their reconciliation, but she threw him a box of divine ABDULLA Cigarettes. Each “Rose-Tipped” Cigarettes will remind him of the enchantment of an hour of moonlight while their seductive scent will recall Mélisande’s fascinations.


Translated from the original French text.

No. 6. AU BALCON - Lisez le texte original en français

Mélisande s’est disputée avec son admirateur Anglais. Qui peut dire pourquoi? Les charmes d’une femme par ses caprices et sa froideur enflamment bien plus le coeur d’un homme.

Toute la journée il a imploré le pardon pour les crimes qu’il n’a jamais commis et maintenant comme un malheureux Roméo il reste au-dessous du balcon de son adorée. Oh ! bonheur. Quelle est l intuition qui a bien pu lui dire qu’un pécheur impardonné pleurait au-dessous. En réponse aux mots de pénitence et d’adoration murmurés elle sourit et un immense poids se soulève de son coeur.

Il plaide d’une voix malheureuse pour obtenir un ruban. une fleur, quelques précieux souvenirs de leur réconciliation mais elle lui lança une boîte de divines Cigarettes ABDULLA. Chaque Cigarettes “Rose-Tipped” lui rappellera l’enchantement d’une heure de clair de lune pendant que leur parfum séduisant rappellera les fascinations de Mélisande.


Abdulla Cigarettes Ad - Melisande at Montecarlo. No. 7. L'APÉRITIF. La Vie Parisienne. July 30, 1921. Artwork by Anne Harriet Fish.

July 30, 1921.

Any Monte-Carlo “regular” knows that a perfect day always starts with an aperitif at the Café de Paris.

Melisande is sitting in a blue wicker chair sheltered by a bulky parasol, like the morning she looks fresh and young. At her coast is the tall, handsome Englishman who follows her like her shadow,

She cheerfully toys with icy and sweet something, and he sips a Martini, and while smoking sucks in the “chic” and tempting “ABDULLA Cigarette,” which always increases a man’s good mood.
Melisande is delighted to see her admirer in such a happy disposition. He will keep her company running the stores and decides that he will buy her funny novels, armfuls of beautiful flowers, a new purse, and a host of other little things. But above all and all, he must buy her a dozen boxes of these enchanted “Rose-Tipped Abdullas” at the Tobacconist near the Café de Paris.
Charming little Melisande thinks that the privilege of worshipers is to pay for what they worship.


Translated from the original French text.

No. 7. L'APÉRITIF - Lisez le texte original en français

 Tout “habitué” de Monte-Carlo sait qu’une journée parfaite commence toujours par un apéritif au Café de Paris?

Melisande est assise sur une chaise bleue eu osier et abritée par un volumineux parasol, comme la matinée, elle a l’air frais et jeune. A ses côtes se trouve le grand et bel Anglais qui la suit comme son ombre,

Elle folâtre gaiement avec quelque chose qui est glacé et doux, et lui, boit un Martini a petites gorgées et tout en fumant aspire la “chic” et tentante “Cigarette ABDULLA” qui augmente toujours la bonne humeur d’un homme.

Melisande se réjouit de voir son admirateur dans une si heureuse disposition. Il va lui tenir compagnie pour courir les magasins et elle a décide qu’il lui achèterait des romans amusants, des brassées de belles fleurs. un nouveau sac à main et une quantité d’autres petites choses. Mais sur tout et avant tout, il doit lui acheter une douzaine de boites de ces enchantées “Rose-Tipped Abdullas” au Bureau de tabac à coté du Café de Paris.

La Charmante petite Melisande pense que le privilège des adorateurs est de payer pour ce qu’ils adorent.


Abdulla Cigarettes Ad - Melisande at Montecarlo. No. 8. LA MASCOTTE. La Vie Parisienne. August 20, 1921. Artwork by Anne Harriet Fish.

No. 8. MASCOT.
August 20, 1921.

Despite her recent defeat at the Casino, Mélisande has returned to the gaming tables and tonight her pretty little head is swimming in the dizzying flight of victory.

One is to wonder by what marvelous system was it able to steal such a pile of tokens of one hundred francs to the recalcitrant rake of the croupier?

Did she spend tiring hours jotting down red and black winning numbers in a nasty little notebook, or were her agitated dreams filled with good ideas and omens?

No! Mélisande’s wisdom is far too strong for her to adopt gambling as a profession. A charming inspiration prompted her to play a heavy nap on the number which constantly brings her happiness and joy. Her favorite cigarette is “Turkish Abdulla,” “Number Eleven” and it is no surprise that she sees the little white ball, in its mad rush, quietly fall into number eleven. The “ABDULLAS” “have always been those where luck and success have had no equivalent.


Translated from the original French text.

No. 8. LA MASCOTTE - Lisez le texte original en français

 Malgré sa recente défaite au Casino, Mélisande est retournée aux tables de jeux et ce soir sa jolie petite tête nage dans la fuie étourdissante de la victoire.

On est a se demander par quel merveilleux système a-t-elle pu dérober une telle pile de jetons de cent francs au râteau récalcitrant du croupier?

A-t-elle passe des heures fatigantes à prendre note dans un méchant petit calepin des numéros gagnants rouges et noirs ou est-ce que ses rêves agites on été remplis de bonnes idées et d augures?

Non! La sagesse de Mélisande est beaucoup trop forte pour qu’elle adopte le jeu comme profession. Une charmante inspiration l’a poussée à jouer une forte somme sur le numéro qui lui procure constamment du bonheur et de la joie. Sa cigarette favorite est la “Turkish Abdulla,” “Numéro Onze ” et c’est sans étonnement qu’elle voit la petite boule blanche, dans sa course folle, tomber tranquillement dans le numéro onze. Les ” ABDULLAS” ” ont toujours été celles ou la chance et la réussite n’ont pas eu d’équivalents.


Abdulla Cigarettes Ad - Melisande at Montecarlo. No. 9. DANS UN JARDIN / IN A GARDEN. La Vie Parisienne. September 17, 1921. Artwork by Anne Harriet Fish.

September 17, 1921.

Mélisande had never dreamed of an international alliance until one day, her elegant Englishman took her little fingers and whispered burning words of love in the hollow of her ear.
Her long black lashes veil his beautiful topaz eyes as he begs her again to marry him.

She wonders if she will be able to resign herself to the rain in the cold of England, and live so far away from the attractions of Paris?

She has already almost decided to reject his request; the glorious independence of a young and pretty French widow does not give up so easily: when all of a sudden, her gaze falls on a white box which contains Abdulla cigarettes.
England is the Home of delicious Abdulla, and life can become a masterpiece. If, despite the fog of London, the scent of divine Abdulla unites their hearts.

The dazzling gaze with which she responds to her plea transports the Englishman with ecstasy. He owes all his happiness to a thin “Rose Tipped” cigarette.


Translated from the original French text.

No. 9. DANS UN JARDIN - Lisez le texte original en français

Mélisande n’avait jamais songé à une alliance internationale jusqu’au jour où son élégant Anglais a capturé ses petits doigts et a chuchoté des mots brûlants d’amour clans le creux de l’oreille.
Ses longs cils noirs voilent ses beaux yeux de topaze pendant qu’il la supplie encore de nouveau de se marier avec lui.

Elle se demande si elle pourra se résigner, à la pluie au froid de l’Angleterre, et vivre tellement éloignée des attraits de Paris? Elle a déjà presque décidé de rejeter sa demande, la glorieuse indépendance d’une jeune et jolie veuve française ne s’abandonne pas aussi facilement: quand tout à coup son regard tombe sur une boite blanche qui contient, des cigarettes° enchantées Abdulla.

L’Angleterre est le Home des délicieuses Abdulla et la vie peut y devenir un chef-d oeuvre. si malgré le brouillard de Londres le parfum des divines Abdulla unit leurs coeurs. Le regard éblouissant avec lequel elle répond à sa plaidoirie, transporte l’Anglais avec extase. C’est à une mince cigarette “Rose Tipped” qu’il doit tout son bonheur.


Abdulla Cigarettes Ad - Melisande at Montecarlo. No. 10. DINER DE FIANÇAILLES 7 ENGAGEMENT DINNER. La Vie Parisienne. October 15, 1921. Artwork by Anne Harriet Fish.

October 15, 1921.

A far-sighted bride mentally notes the specialties that her future husband likes to eat to be able to offer him a renewal of charms when the “treats” of married life have lost some of their novelty.

Mélisande and her devoted Englishman celebrated their engagement with a tête-à-tête dinner at the Hôtel de Paris, and each excellent dish is so appreciated by her beloved that she decides without hesitation to follow them for life.
So doing, he will never be in a bad mood, and she will never be bored.

In the meantime, they drink to the amphora of happiness and live in a golden world, idealism, which is made even more delightful by the aroma of Abdulla’s Rose Tipped. Another reason to live here thinks the cunning Mélisande is that my Englishman will soon forget England with its mud and gray sky since he can get his ABDULLA Cigarettes at the Hotel de Paris itself.


Translated from the original French text.

No. 10. DINER DE FIANÇAILLES - Lisez le texte original en français

Une fiancée prévoyante note mentalement les spécialités que son futur mari aime à manger, afin de pouvoir lui offrir un renouveau de charmes quand les “friandises” de la vie mariée auront perdu un peu de leur nouveauté.

Mélisande et son dévoué Anglais ont célèbre leurs fiançailles par un diner tête a tête a l’Hôtel de Paris et chaque plat excellent est tellement apprécié par son adoré qu’elle décide sans hésitation à les suivre pour la vie. Ainsi faisant il ne sera jamais de mauvaise humeur et elle ne sera jamais ennuyée.

Dans l’intervalle, ils boivent à l’amour et au bonheur et vivent dans un monde doré, l’idéalisme qui est encore rendu plus ravissant par l arôme des Abdullas Rose Tipped. Encore une raison de vivre ici pense la rusée Mélisande, mon Anglais oubliera bientôt l ‘Angleterre avec sa boue et son ciel gris, puisqu’il peut obtenir ses Cigarettes ABDULLA à l’Hôtel de Paris même.


Abdulla Cigarettes Ad - Melisande at Montecarlo. No. 11. GAGE D’AMOUR / LOVE TOKEN. La Vie Parisienne. November 12, 1921. Artwork by Anne Harriet Fish.

November 12, 1921.

Every morning Mélisande wakes up with a happy feeling in prospect.
Her maid opens the pretty curtains letting in a golden flood of the luxurious Monte-Carlo sunshine while lazy Mélisande stretches out in her bed like a pretty Persian cat and almost purrs with pleasure,

It is wonderful to be young and pretty to stay at the Hotel de Paris and have a devoted Englishman as a fiancé.
And what a penetrating sensation to stay in bed and guess what gift your worshiper could send her today.

With her café au lait, the maid brings her a bouquet, a love letter, and a gift; sometimes it is pearls or emeralds or a beautiful handbag, chocolates or perfumes. Still, it is often a large white box of lovely “ABDULLA” Cigarettes that charming happy Mélisande.

The Cigarettes “ABDULLA” is the ideal gift for a delicate and elegant woman.


Translated from the original French text.

No. 11. GAGE D'AMOUR - Lisez le texte original en français

Chaque matin Mélisande se réveille avec une sensation heureuse en perspective.
Sa femme de chambre entr’ouvre les jolis rideaux laissant entrer un flot d’or du luxueux soleil de Monte-Carlo pendant que Mélisande paresseuse s étire dans son lit comme un joli chat de Perse et ronronne presque de plaisir.

C’est merveilleux d’être jeune et jolie de demeurer à l’Hôtel de Paris d de posséder comme fiancé un Anglais dévoué.
Et quelle sensation pénétrante de rester couchée et de deviner quel cadeau sou adorateur pourra bien lui envoyer aujourd’hui.

Avec son café au lait, la bonne lui apporte un bouquet, une lettre amoureuse et un cadeau, quelquefois, ce sont des perles ou des émeraudes quelquefois c’est un joli sac à main, des chocolats ou des parfums, mais souvent, c’est une grande boite blanche de ravissantes Cigarettes “ABDULLA” lesquelles charmant heureuse Mélisande. Les Cigarette* “ABDULLA” sont l’idéal cadeau pour une délicate et élégante femme du monde. ABDULLA LA CIGARETTE COSMOPOLITE

Abdulla Cigarettes Ad - Melisande at Montecarlo. No. 11. GAGE D’AMOUR / LOVE TOKEN. La Vie Parisienne. November 12, 1921. Artwork by Anne Harriet Fish.

No. 12. La NOUVEL AN.
December 17, 1921.

Mélisande est mariée avec son Anglais depuis 3 jours et ils sont, pour la nouvelle année, avec le reste, de la foule élégante au Café de Paris.

Le 1er Janvier est fêté avec du Champagne et des danses. De gais parasols de papier s’agitent folâtrement, et des tambours joujoux résonnent follement aux ébats d’une bande de joyeux réveillonneurs.
Mais Mélisande et son mari sont trop profondément heureux pour Fox-Trotter avec frénésie. Au coup de minuit l’Anglais se penche pour embrasser sa petite main avec un frissar d’adoration et de gratitude, alors solennellement, ils se jurent fidélité mutuelle au parfum des séduisantes cigarettes ABDULLA.

L’ABDULLA est la cigarette de romance et de charme subtil car c’est grâce a elle qu’ils se sont rencontrés, aimés et mariés, et comme ils quittent ces pages Mélisande et son mari souhaitent à chacun et à tous une bonne et heureuse année et beaucoup de Cigarettes ABDULLA.



No. 12. THE NEW YEAR - English translation

Mélisande has been married to her Englishman for three days and celebrates the new year with an elegant crowd at the Café de Paris.
January 1 is celebrated with Champagne and dancing. Bright paper parasols stir frantically, and toy drums echo madly to the frolics of a band of merry wake-up calls.

But Mélisande and her husband are too profoundly happy to Fox-Trot with frenzy. Finally, at the stroke of midnight, the Englishman bends down to kiss her little hand with a shudder of adoration and gratitude. Solemnly, they swear to each other mutual fidelity to the scent of the alluring ABDULLA cigarettes.

ABDULLA is the cigarette of romance and subtle charm because, and thanks to her, they met, loved, and married.
Now Mélisande and her husband, leaving these pages, wish everyone good and happy years and many ABDULLA Cigarettes.


Copyright, links and credits

These works were published in the French Magazine “La Vie Parisienne” in 1921.
According to our records, there are no restrictions on publication, especially in the original typographical layout.

United States:
In the United States, any 1921 magazine is in the public domain due to copyright expiration.
Source 1 >, Source 2 >

France where “La Vie Parisienne” was published.
The BnF / Bibliothèque Nationale de France
, which keeps the largest archive of French magazines, considers the newspaper to be a collective work that entered the public domain 70 years after publication.
The BnF has a digital archive of seventy-nine years / 1851 issues of “La Vie Parisienne.” The digital files are in black and white for reference only. Still, for us, they have been invaluable in choosing and finding the ads to reproduce.

The United Kingdom. Country of citizenship of Anne Harriet Fish.
IN the UK, copyright in the actual typographical layout of the published editions only lasts for 25 years from the end of the year in which it was published. In other words, reproducing the magazines by scanning them would not pose any problem.
Source >

Philip Morris Inc. is the current owner of the Abdulla Trade Mark.

Anne Harriet Fish Sifton Portrait 1915

Annie Harriet Fish Sefton (1890-1964) was a British cartoonist and illustrator. She is best known as "Fish," her maiden name, and how she signed her works.
In England, from 1914 to 1919, she illustrated for "The Tatler" a famous column, "The Letters of Eve."
From 1914 to 1932, she drew hundreds of striking cartoons for Vanity Fair, Harper's Bazaar, and Cosmopolitan in the US, showcasing her versatility and adaptability as an artist.
From 1919 to 1932, she drew eleven campaigns for Abdulla, published in French on "La Vie Parisienne" and in English on "Punch," "The Sketch," and "The Sphere."

Her books include High Society (1920), The Eve Book (1920), and Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (1922).

Browse all “Anne Fish” Stories

Social Events in 1920s High Society. By Fish

Social Events in 1920s High Society. By Fish

A second compilation of pages from Vanity Fair and the book “High Society” on “Social Events in 1920s High Society,” illustrated by Anne Fish.
Any double-page plate focuses on a specific topic providing a unique, rich lens into American and international high society’s lifestyles of the 1910s and 1920s. Rigorously in black and white, these inimitable sketches are completed with entertaining captions.

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Flirting, Engagement, Weddings & Divorce in 1920s High Society. By Fish

Flirting, Engagement, Weddings & Divorce in 1920s High Society. By Fish

A first compilation of pages from Vanity Fair and the book “High Society” on Flirting, Engagement, Weddings & Divorce, illustrated by Anne Fish.
Any double-page plate focuses on a specific topic providing a unique, rich lens into American and international high society’s lifestyles of the 1910s and 1920s. Rigorously in black and white, these inimitable sketches are completed with entertaining captions.

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American 1920s High Society’s lifestyles, as seen by Anne Fish

American 1920s High Society’s lifestyles, as seen by Anne Fish

“High Society” published in December 1920 is a unique book celebrating the work of the star-illustrator Anne Fish. It’s a selection of drawings published on Vanity Fair US from 1914 to 1920. The book provides a unique, rich lens into American and international high society’s lifestyles.

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